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Dr Mary Coghill: CV 2021

2018-2024 Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Exeter University, College of Humanities, Russian Department
2014 -2017 Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London
2012 Fellow at London Metropolitan University
2011 PhD ‘A Theory and Praxis of a City Poetic: Jakobson, Poetic Function and City Space; Women, Deixis and the Narrator: A City Poem: ‘Shades of Light: A Triumph of City’ London Metropolitan University (Thesis available on )
2005 M.A. Creative Writing, Plymouth University
1973 B.A. (Hons.) English Language and Literature, Nottingham University

Books Published
COGHILL, M (2017) Assay of Blood and Gold: London Poems City of Poetry Ltd. (
COGHILL, M (2013) Shades of light: A Triumph of City, London, City of Poetry Ltd (
COGHILL, M (2006) Designed to Fade Exeter, Shearsman Books
MOHIN, L (Ed.) (1979) One Foot on the Mountain: An Anthology of British Feminist Poetry 1969-1979 London, Onlywomen Press
Poems published in:
Magma Poetry Magazine (2013) July, no 56, and Shearsman (2013) vols. 95&96, Summer

Articles Published
COGHILL, M (2017) entry on Roman Jakobson IN: The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy; Editor(s): Klaus Bruhn Jensen (Editor-in-Chief), Robert T. Craig (Editor-in-Chief), Jefferson D. Pooley (Associate Editor), Eric W. Rothenbuhler (Associate Editor), publ. January 2017, Wiley Hoboken, NJ, Online ISBN: 9781118766804

Conference Papers Published
Coghill, Mary and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul (2017) ‘Introduction’ General Philology by Yuri Rozhdestvensky is here published in English Translation from the Russian for the first time. In: Yuri Rozhdestvensky, General Philology, "Novoye Tysjacheletie"– The "New Millennium" Foundation, Moscow, 1996. Ю. В. Рождественский, Общая филология, Фонд “Новое тысячелетие”, Москва, 1996. New Millennium Foundation, Moscow,
Coghill, Mary and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul:(2016) Coghill, Mary A. and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul (2017): Chapter 5 from ‘General Philology’ by Yuri Rozhdestvensky is here published in English Translation from the Russian for the first time. In: Yuri Rozhdestvensky, General Philology, "Novoye Tysjacheletie"– The "New Millennium" Foundation, Moscow, 1996. Ю. В. Рождественский, Общая филология, Фонд “Новое тысячелетие”, Москва, 1996. New Millennium Foundation, Moscow, pp. 1-47.
‘“He Placed Himself in the Order of Signs”: The Catholic poet David Jones, First World War poet and artist’ Plenary Presentation at The English Catholic History Association AGM 23rd October 2014. Published online: Coghill, M (2014) Available at: Accessed 10 July 2016.
‘Russian Formalist Theory Revisited: A Discussion of European Interpretations of Roman Jakobson’s “Poetic Function”’ paper read at 7th International Conference: ‘Language, Culture and Society at the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow 26th-29th September 2013; published in the Journal of Philology 2014 Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages No 3-4 (48) pp211- 215

Conferences – Organiser
2017 ‘Russian Evolution: Russian Reflections’; A Conference on the work of Yuri Rozhdestvensky: Diachronic Philology and his Contribution to Narratology in poetics with reference to Roman Jakobson’
Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 21st October
2016 ‘Poetics and Metonymy’; Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 2nd October
2015 ‘Form and Poetry: an exploration of Russian Formalism - ostranenie, city poetics, poles of poetic art - metaphor, metonymy’; Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London 23rd October

Conference Presentations
International Conference on London Studies: "Visions and Revisions of the Metropolis" 21-22 November 2020 – London/Online; organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. Poetry Reading
‘Poetic London, London Poetics’ presentation and poetry reading at the London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research Conference: ‘Visions and Revisions of the Metropolis’; University of London, Birkbeck College 23.11.19
‘“Shades of Light: A Triumph of City”: a modern city wasteland of the city – who wins person or property’. Poetry Reading and discussion with reference to ‘The Waste Land’ by T.S.Eliot, Middlesex University 30.1.19
‘A Viewpoint is more than a Point of View - Shades of Light and City Poetry’: A Poetry Reading with accompanying theoretical discussion, Middlesex University 14.2.18
‘Russian Evolution: Rozhdestvensky and the image of the author explored with reference to his book General Philology (1996) Moscow’ Visiting Research Fellowship Research Presentation, at the ‘Russian Evolution: Russian Reflections’ conference, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 21st Oct 2017
‘The Development of Roman Jakobson’s semiotic interpretation of poetic form and function with special reference to his axial model of the poles of language: metaphor and metonymy; and the application of this developed model to the construction of city poetics with reference to Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poetry’. In: ‘Form and Poetry: an exploration of Russian Formalism - ostranenie, city poetics, poles of poetic art - metaphor, metonymy’, Colloquium, Visiting Research Fellowship Research Presentation, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 23 Oct 2016
with Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul (Translators), ‘Two essays by Roman Jakobson, translated into English: ‘About Mayakovsky’s Later Lyrical Poems’ and ‘Dostoyevsky Echoed In Mayakovsky’s Work’. In: Form and Poetry: an exploration of Russian Formalism - ostranenie, city poetics, poles of poetic art - metaphor, metonymy’, Colloquium, Visiting Research Fellowship Research Presentation, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 23 Oct 2015
‘Poetry of the City – the Construction of Form and Landscape’, 8th International Scientific Conference, Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow, 14-16th October 2015
‘Смелость города берёт. - Courage overcomes all obstacles (literally: Courage conquers the cities): some examples of metaphor and metonym in poetry about London’, ‘Language, Culture and Society in Russian/English Studies, 6th International Conference, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 27-28th July 2015
‘David Jones’ The Anathémata: A Poem in the Making: A Study of Deictics and Place’, "David Jones: Christian Modernist?", David Jones Conference, Oxford, 10-13th September 2014
‘The Contribution of the Poetic Models of Belyj, Hopkins and Saussure to Roman Jakobson’s Semiotic Axial Model of Formalist Poetics Language’ Plenary Paper, Culture and Society in Russian/English Studies, 5th International Conference, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 5-6th August 2014
‘Shifters and Deictics: Roman Jakobson revisited as an exploration of how a separation of these two terms contributes to the role of the narrator, including the woman narrator, in contemporary poetics with special reference to city poetry’, Language, Culture and Society in Russian/English Studies, 4th International Conference, School of Advanced Studies, London, 2013 22-23rd July 2013
‘Poetics of City Space: A Balance of Forces’, panel chair and contributor at Literary London Conference, School of Advanced Studies, 17-19th July 2013
‘Russian Formalism and Revolution: Elena Guro (1877-1913); Russian Formalist writer and contemporary of Roman Jakobson (pseudonym: Aljagrov)’, ‘Poetry and Revolution International Conference’, Birkbeck College 25-27th May 2012 Accessed 10 July16
‘“Red Tape”, “The Woman Clerk” and “The Woman Worker”: three journals which provide a view based on primary sources, of women’s political association, struggle and culture as secretaries in the 1920’s' paper read at Women’s History Network Conference 9-11th September 2011 and deposited at the TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University, London, December 2012
‘City as Source: City as Text’, ‘Contemporary Poetry and Source, Plymouth University 18-20th May 2012

‘Writing the City: A Closer Look at “Shades of Light: A Triumph of City”’ Guest lecture, seminar discussing poetic theory, practical poetry workshop, and poetry reading to post-graduate students at Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany; 2.7.19-3.7.19

Forthcoming Publications
Roman Jakobson: Developing Theory and Praxis for Semiotics and Poetics (volume in the Semiotics, Communication and Cognition Series, volume 25; Eds. Professor Paul Cobley and Professor Kalevi Kull; due 2022; Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH ·
Explorations in Media Ecology: Special Issue – on the work of Professor Yuri Rozhdestvensky;
due Autumn 2021

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